Thursday, June 14, 2007

thursday 13!

Today i shall right about my youngest child, my baby! It's been a very trying day, and i'll tell you all about it later, but to help me end it on a high note, I'm focussing on the good stuff. Austin is almost 9 months old now and he is darned cute!

13 Things I'm loving about Austin right now!

1. He laughs ALL THE TIME!

2. His two tiny teeth.

3. His HUGE hands!

4. His chubby little legs.

5. His strength. (he is one STRONG baby!)

6. His incredibly soft skin.

7. His big blue eyes.

8. His ablilty to stand. (his latest achievment!)

9. The way he sucks on his own tounge for fun.

10. The way he talks. (ba ba ba ba, da da da da, and lots of raspberries!)

11. The way he lights up when he sees me, daddy, or one of his sisters!

12. The way he sucks the same two fingers his daddy sucked when he was a baby!

13. The way he cuddles up to me and just melts when i rub his head.

ok, so just a few minutes ago i was laying in my bed playing with him. i knew he was VERY tired after our VERY long day, but he was so happy to just lay and play next to me. so, there we were just tickling, and laughing, and i started to rub my hand on his head, just to feel his soft hair. all of a sudden he just rolled over and stuck those fingers in his mouth and went to sleep! my heart melted. good night austin, i love you!


Alana said...

Shelley, any more posts like that and I may have to go for number three! He is PRECIOUS! I love the two finger thing, too!!

Celeste said...

That picture made my milk let down! haha, that hasn't happened in a long time. Great post!

Janelle said...


Beautiful post. Be still my heart.

Janelle said...

Are you OK? You haven't fallen into a deep ravine and can't get out...have you? Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. That is a long time for you, Shelley! I miss you! You aren't turning into Dixie are you?

Celeste said...

Remember rule #1 of blogging, neglect children and blog! That's nice that you're being responsible and all, but we need info!

Alana said...

Maybe she just thought that last post would last us awhile since it was so darn cute!

Celeste said...

Maybe she's just trying to see how many comments she gets.

Janelle said...

I am plotting another hostile blog take-over.