Sunday, May 27, 2007

why i'm glad i don't have 11 three year olds.

ok, well i guess ANYONE would be glad that they don't have 11 three year olds, but after this morning, i'm especially glad!

jason and i helped in the 3 year old class at church this morning.

now, you must fully understand the weight the previous sentence carries. first of all, not only did i help, but jason did too. this was his first experience helping in the chidrens department at our church. i have helped in the past, but he always graciously declined, stating that he felt he was better suited to serve in other capacities. knowing how he felt, i never pressured him to volunteer, and assumed he never would. so, when brenda called to remind US that WE had agreed to work in the 3 year old class this sunday, i realized that i had inadvertently signed us BOTH up to help! i carefully broached the subject with jason a few days ago. i told him the truth, that i had agreed to help out this sunday, but apparently our children's director assumed he was helping with me. i waited for the "there's no way in ----" speach, but instead, he calmly said, "ok, no big deal." i was surprised and greatly relieved.
so this morning we helped.
or should i say, we wrangled, corralled, entertained, and tried to teach a lesson to 11 three year olds. during the chaos i heard more than one child ask Mr. Jason why he was sweating. we had 4 VERY active boys in the class, and he did his best to keep them from hurting each other. most of my time was spent trying to do the lesson and the craft with the rest of the class, 5 girls and 2 less active boys. might i just say, that it is next to impossible to attach feathers to a coffee filter with glue sticks. the feathers just kept sticking to the glue sticks, oh, and then we discovered we had no wipes to clean hands with! we made it through, finally! in the car on the way to eat lunch, jason had one thing to say about the morning. i figured it would be something like "don't ever make me do that again!" but actually he said "next time lets help with the 5 year olds." wow honey, i'm impressed! i have to say, he was awesome with those boys. it's one of those moments when you realize what a great man your husband is! and we both have a new appreciation of the people who help in that class! i've helped in the baby class, and the ones and twos class, but never the 3's. it was by far the hardest class i've ever helped with! so, to all the volunteers of church nurseries and children's classes everywhere, especially the 3 year old classes, thank you!


Alana said...

Oh my goodness, that was a FUNNY post! Now, you now why I look so tired after the preschool class of KM each week ;-)

Janelle said...

Way to go Jason!! It is those moments when you realize what an awesome man you married.