Tuesday, May 8, 2007

what am i doing part 2

so, i've been sitting here at my computer for about 2 hours setting this thing up. in that 2 hours my 5 year old has watched several episodes of scooby doo, i'm such a good mom! at the beginning of the 2 hours my 2 little ones were asleep, now they're awake. the 2 year old is watching dora, the baby is watching a baby video with the 5 year old. i'm thinking maybe (just maybe) my kids might watch a bit too much tv. anyway, i've caught up with my friends blogs, i've let them know about mine, i've fought with my email, and i've been trying to think of something funny or poignant to write about today. blank. nothing seems extraordinary about today. or maybe that in itself is extraordinary! we had our last mops meeting of the year this morning, and then we came home. home, sometimes it feels so good just to be home. we've been going going going for about 5 days now. the baby just got his first full nap in 5 days. it was nice not to have to wake him up and stick him back in the car! anyway, i kinda enjoying just typing about my day, it feels therapuetic. one funny thing, ellie came in a little bit ago from being outside and said "mom, the heonies exploded!" what? you say, well of course she meant, "the peonies bloomed!"


Alana said...

Yay! Welcome to blog heaven! I agree it is therapeutic! I loved your "about me". I've been trying to figure out how to describe myself and I can't seem to do it. Well done!

LaurenS said...

Hey Girl! So I left you a comment but then it made me sign up for some Google account. So now I'm having to re-type the comment! Haha. So I just wanted to say hello. We are moving back to OKC the weekend of May 25...yiippeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So tell everyone I said hi. Love you!!!!