Monday, January 21, 2008

The lack of motivation I have is nothing short of amazing.

Unmotivated: 1) The feeling a mother of 3 young children has when looking at the piles of toys that need to be picked up, only to know that they will quickly be on the floor again. 2) The feeling that a mother of 3 young children and the wife to one husband has, when looking at the piles of laundry that need to be washed, only to be worn and dirtied again. 3) The feeling that a woman has when faced with a sink of dirty dishes needing to be cleaned, only to be eaten on again. 4) The feeling a woman has when she as much to do, but doesn't want to do any of it. She only wants to curl up on the couch and watch HGTV all day long, and maybe order a really fattening pizza and eat the whole thing by herself. Oh, and for dessert, eat some Java Chip ice cream.


Janelle said...

OK! That just described me the last 4 months. Who am I kidding? The last 35 years!

It cracks me up that this post follows your Ode to Hand Vac. Each day is different!

Carissa said...

i have one word for you...PMS. i think it may have struck you. and i think you should not fight it. let it win. it will soon pass! : )

Always Faith said...

ROFL!!! MEEEE TOOOO!!!!! Actually, today I picked up the toys b/c the kids are at daycare so the toys will not be redistributed all over the floor for another 3.4 hours. HAH. And that laundry that will be dirty again in a few days is currently in my washing machine. But do I feel like finishing that job? NOOO.....

Alana said...

Wait! Wait for me....I'm coming over!

Seriously, Shelley. I'm with Janelle. This describes my life. If I had a nickel for every day I lacked motivation, I would be a RICH woman!

Anonymous said...

you are hilarious! i would say, "just imagine you live in my small, clean apartment, with two cats and a husband..." but i won't say that because i still want you to like me! :)

Darlene R. said...


I'm with ya sister!

Shelley said...

To Janelle: I still love that hand vac! It made me feel slightly better this morning to suck the crumbs off the floor, even if I know there are more under the piles of toys!

To Carissa: I had PMS 2 weeks ago, I'd better not have it again already!

To Faith: I left a wet load of clothes in the washing machine for over 24 hours because I had no energy to move them. Then I had to wash them again.

To Alana: The only thing that would make a pizza and some Java Chip better, is to share it with you! Come on over!

To Lauren: Too Late, I already hate you.

To Darlene: I cannot count the number of times I have sighed today. At least we're sighing together!

Pam said...

I hope you were able to enjoy this day and not worry about all the stuff that will be there tomorrow. You are entitled to some time off. :)

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way!