OK, so I have another confession to make...
I love the
Big Boo Podcast!
In case you don't know, it's a podcast that 2 of my favorite bloggers do.
Big Mama and
BooMama. They talk about clothes, shoes, Beth Moore, food, kids, hair...
You know, the things that really matter.
Now, I must preface the rest of this post with this...I have never met these women, nor have I ever talked to them on the phone. I received occasional emails from them, but that's where the acquaintance ends. I do think we would be great friends though, if ever given the chance. Now, where was I...Oh yes, the podcast...
The first time I listened, I was hooked. It's like listening in on a funny phone call between two good friends. I always laugh at their funny comments and "insights" on life. So far they've done 5 episodes, and I'm not afraid to admit that I get pretty excited when a new one comes out.
All that to say, that a couple of weeks ago, I sent
BooMama a question for the podcast. Now, honestly, I figured that they get a lot of questions, and that the chance of mine being picked for the podcast was very slim. However, I decided to chance it, and so, I composed my question using all the wit I could muster. Much to my surprise, (ok, I'm not gonna lie, anytime I get an email from one of the mama's, I squeal!)
BooMama emailed me that she liked my question, and that they'd be using it on their next podcast.
It's telling of the level of excitement in my life, that I was so thrilled I could barely breathe.
So, I breathlessly awaited the next podcast...the one where I was to be a guest star...and then it came!
And I wasn't on it.
Talk about total let down.
At that point I decided that maybe, just maybe, I might be too wrapped up in my opinion of myself "guest starring" on the podcast.
So, I came back to earth, and went on with my life.
A few days ago, I saw that episode 5 of the BigBoo cast was available, and I downloaded it to my ipod. But extenuating circumstances kept me from listening to it for a few more days.
Then my friend Dawn left a comment for me on a previous post, mentioning that she'd heard the Mama's talking about my question on the newest podcast. She even called me a Star! (I love you for that Dawn!)
So, of course, I grabbed my ipod and started to listen...
And there it was, MY QUESTION!
Well kinda, it was there, just broken up by much laughter...which just MADE MY DAY! I MADE THE MAMA'S LAUGH!
I gotta tell you, I'm still on my podcast high.
Hmmm, do you think I need to get out more?
Have a listen, it's funny stuff. You can listen right on the blog! Here's the
Oh, and I "guest star" towards the beginning...like in the first 10 minutes, so be ready!