Tuesday, March 11, 2008



Celeste commented on how amazing it was that I got so much done with having a toddler around, and that she could tell I have three kids because of my perspective. It got me thinking about how much our perspective changes as we go through stages of our lives!

I remember being married with no children, and having trouble keeping up with the laundry.


It was just me and hubs, and I thought I hated laundry then.


I remember having a hard time getting much housework done when Ellie was a baby, and my house was half the size it is now.


Now I have twice the house and three times the kids!

I remember feeling like it was a monumental effort to take both the girls with me to the store.

Now taking two kids feels "normal", and one feels, well...relaxing!

I did get a lot done for having a toddler underfoot. I guess I've learned some tricks since Ellie was a baby. I may have even learned how to manage my time a little better. Having one toddler for 24 hours did feel like a vacation, because it was one!

It makes me understand those sweet little old ladies in the grocery store a little more. You know the ones...

They stop you in the isle, where you have one 26 pound toddler in your arms squirming to get down (he's in your arms because he was screaming at the top of his lungs in the cart), one 3 1/2 year old in the cart eating out of a box of crackers that you haven't paid for yet, and one six year old asking for everything in sight, even though you've told her a thousand times that she's not getting another treat, because she's already added a good $30 worth of "extras" to your cart. They stop you and say something like...

Enjoy this sweetheart, because someday you'll miss it, Yes you will. You enjoy this precious time with these precious babies!"

And you smile, and through your gritted teeth you say...

"Oh I do! Oh I will! Thank you! Have a nice day!"

And you push your cart just a little bit faster, and yell over your shoulder for the six year old to catch up, and No, we're not buying that, PUT IT BACK!

I want to be one of those sweet little old ladies someday!


Anonymous said...

Yep, you pegged me. One toddler and I can't get a thing done! It's good to know that you felt that way too. It's even more comforting to know that somehow I'll manage with two!

Janelle said...

I can't believe I ever thought one in tow was hard work. WHEW! One is a picnic.

Am I ready for this??? NO, I never will be but my life will yield a little more each day. I think that is good.

Carissa said...
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Carissa said...

i was talking with a friend yesterday and i told her i wanted to write a book entitled "i'll tell you where you can put your blankity-blank perspective!" we were laughing, but there is truth in it. perspective can be helpful, but it can also be elusive. depends on what day it is for me!

Darlene R. said...

You made me laugh today. I even let out a sigh and an "oh, shoot that's funny."

I love the little old ladies!

Anonymous said...

It is definitely perspective AND pressure.

I work better under pressure. You know like it no one in the house has any underwear, I work quicker to finish the laundry!

I will go grocery shopping with you when we are old...we can sip starbucks wearing our red hats and purple shirts and compliment and encourage all the young moms!

We will be so cute.

Celeste said...

I already find myself thinking like one of those old ladies when I see a young couple eagerly registering for items at Target.

Celeste said...

Oh- and I am soooo jealous that you found this layout first! I am red with blog envy!

michelle said...

This post is so true!!! Enjoy your stepping stones!

Always Faith said...

LOL...sooo true. I know what you mean...i thought the house was hard to keep up with and only one kid....hahaha. and I thought I had no time when it was just me and the hubs...DOUBLE ha. hahha. thanks for the smiles.

Fran said...

Loved this Shelley!! Thanks!
I hope you have a wonderful day!

Alana said...

I was "HA"ing right along with you and I only have two!

One great thing about having a toddler is that they still nap. I'm having a hard time with the fact that both of my boys are done with naps. Aaack!