Thursday, August 25, 2011

Super Mom

I have the best mom in the WORLD!!!

She is sweet, kind, selfless, giving, fun, servant hearted, beautiful, wisdom-filled, God fearing, smart...the list is endless. I have always admired and looked up to her. She sacrificed a lot for me, and I have always been grateful. But now, now I realize she really is a Super Hero.

And I can prove it.

Yesterday after school, I took my three fighting wonderful children and headed up north to an appointment we had. We were running late thanks to the insane school loop of doom, and I was already flustered. I called my mom, who was planning on meeting us at the appointment to take two of my kids and do something fun with them... Mom, I'm running late. Shocking I know! She assured me that she'd meet me there, and I could just go on in, leaving her to deal with the chaos of flung snacks, and pile of backpacks, and she'd figure it out. Awesome, right? Just that right there shows how great she is. But oh wait, there's more!

On the way my youngest got sick in the car. Of course.

I sent a text... Austin threw up.

She texted back...I'll take care of it.

And she did. As Ellie and I rushed into the office, she switched keys with me, and proceeded to take my kids, and my nasty car to her house.

45 minutes later, Ellie and I arrived at her house to a clean car, clean and happy kids, and her washing machine running to clean the messy clothes.

Mom, you are a SUPER HERO!!!

You have rescued me time and time again, through years of raising me, and now helping me raise my own.

And you saved the day, again. And today... IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!

You are such a wonderful example of what a mother and grandmother should be. I know we are truly blessed by you, and I hope someday I can live up to the example you have set.

I am so excited to hang out with my sweet mom today, as we celebrate her! I know nothing can make up for all the years of sacrifice she's made, nasty things she's cleaned up, teenage tantrums I threw, or all the objects my kids have broken .... but buying her dessert might help.

Especially if it's chocolate.

I love you mom! Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

june jones said...

Super Mom, Super Hero, Super Gram, it's the best job in the world...only angels need to apply, no other applications accepted...