Sunday, September 11, 2011

Nine Eleven

On this day 10 years ago, Jason and I slept in a little. It was his day off from work, and who knows what we had planned. Life was so simple back then. I was 3 1/2 months pregnant with Ellie, and over-the-moon excited about becoming a mommy. Jason worked 4 days a week in the family business and we spent lots of time together. We shopped, we ate out, we planned the nursery, we saw movies, and every couple of months we'd travel to Kentucky to see Jason's brother Chris, his wife Michelle, and our sweet toddler niece Olivia. It was a gloriously easy time of life.

I remember turning on the Today show, as I usually did when I woke up. The first plane had hit TWC, and the news was all abuzz with what that meant. Within minutes the second tower was hit, and I ran to wake Jason. We watched in horror as the rest of the morning played out. I cried and cried, fearful of what this might mean for the world my baby would be born into. We called Michelle, Chris was serving as a psychologist in the army at Fort Knox. She was scared and nervous about what this meant for them, Chris' job, and sweet Olivia. As the day progressed, I remember we went to get gas in all our vehicles, just in case. The rest of the day was spent glued to the tv, flipping between networks, and praying to God that everything would be okay.

In the last 10 years, many things have changed. Ellie is 9 1/2, and we added two more children to our family. Our sweet niece Olivia is 11, and is a great big sis to Elaina. Chris finished his military job, and he and Michelle moved to our little town to help us run the family business. 4 day work weeks are a thing of the past now, life is crazy busy, and at times pretty complicated.

Today Jason and I took the kids to Silver Dollar City. As our tram pulled up to the entrance we saw this...

It was beautiful. And then the questions began..."Mom, why is that there? What's going on? Is today a holiday?". As we walked into the park, God Bless America was being sung. I paused and listened, and remembered. I gently and simply told the girls the meaning of "Patriots Day", and how it evolved, and then they ran off to pet the goats. Tears filled my eyes as I watched them be so carefree. I am so thankful.

I am thankful to the men and women who serve our country. Military, Firefighters, Police...all those who protect and serve. I am thankful to God. Yes, our world has changed in the past 10 years, but my family is safe and our country is free and today I was able to enjoy a day of fun with my family. Thank you Lord for my family.

We will always remember.


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