My beautiful cousin Lane married Joshua Whitlock on February 13th, 2009. They surprised everyone with the news that they'd eloped! However they still wanted a day to share with family and friends, so a couple of months later they held a beautiful ceremony at Lane's parents home.
They make the most adorable couple! We've loved getting to know Josh. He is sweet and gently, funny and great with our kids! You picked a good one Lane! :-)
Seriously though, we are so SO happy for these two! Welcome to your beautiful life together!
First off, I ran a 5k, my FIRST 5k. That's 3.1 miles for those of you not versed in the "lingo." :) I am still surprised that I can actually run, albeit slowly, for 3.1 miles. That's pretty amazing for a girl who in high school couldn't run for 3 minutes in gym! I am very proud of myself for setting a goal and accomplishing it. I may even run another one, someday! I had two wonderful running partners, Alana and Rich! Alana and I decided to train for this a few months ago, and it was great having an accountability partner. I honestly don't think I would have done this if it weren't for you Alana! So I ran, and then came home to...nap? Oh I wish!
Me and Alana, BEFORE!
Me, Alana, and Rich, AFTER!!!
Next in my day was a birthday party at the park for a friend of Annie's. Lot's of fun, but not very relaxing! Annie and I came home, and then I started getting the kids ready for an evening at my Grandpa's farm to celebrate his 79th birthday. In the midst of getting ready, I put Austin down for a nap. But did he sleep? No!
I found Austin, after an hour of NOT sleeping, standing once again in the second to top drawer of his toolbox/dresser. He'd done quite the number on his room, this time finding an oil can WITH A SPOUT AND OIL IN IT (what in the world were we thinking?!) and had Oiled his Room. That's right. OILED HIS ROOM.
Oh myyyy.
Thankfully the surfaces he oiled were all easily cleaned, but still!
Then I started thinking about the fact that I hadn't seen one of our cats in several hours. She's usually around quite a bit, so it seemed strange. I found her under our bed, with an ACE bandage wrapped VERY tightly around one of her back legs. So tightly that when I removed it she was in horrible pain. At first her paw was cold, and then got very warm, and I got scared and called the emergency vet. Thankfully she's fine now, but it was scary for awhile! Ellie was the culprit, and felt SO bad when she realized the seriousness of the situation. She was playing Vet, which she wants to be when she grows up, and didn't mean to hurt poor Rainbow. That poor cat, she really needs those nine lives to live in this house!
Finally we handled all the situations, and made it to Grandpa's. My kids just love it there! Jason brought the new four wheeler and took the kids, and Grammie on rides! We love a fun time at the farm!
Four Generations!
Blowing out the candles! Austin was SO excited to help. :)
Rides on the tractors, lawn mowers, and four wheelers!
Grammie's first RZR ride!
Grandaddy driving the BIG tractor!
Daddy took the little kids through some mud! At least we're telling them it was mud...
Whew! What a day! It's now 24 hours later, and I'm just starting to recover. Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel normal again!
He is a great man, a sweet guy, a good friend, a loving daddy, a supportive husband...but above all he is Cool.
Let me explain...
He loves "toys" ( don't all guys?) and has had quite a collection over the years. We've been together for almost 14 years (married for almost 10) and in that time I've lost count of how many "extra" vehicles he's owned. And I say HE on purpose, because even though half of everything that's his is this case, it's all him. :) He's owned VW bugs, vintage trucks, four wheelers, dirt bikes, motorcycles, dune buggy's...the list goes on.
As he's matured he has gotten a bit smarter, and wiser in the use of his toys. We no longer drive dune buggy's on city streets in front of a police man...(he was 18!)...or ride trails we can't really handle and end up getting our four wheeler stuck...or let our wife drive. :) We had a scary experience a few years ago, and since then he's been searching for a safer alternative, something the kids can ride with him on, but be safe. So, he got this! It's very shiny and pretty, and my husband is very proud of his new baby, I mean, toy.
He wants to take our children out, one at a time, for a day/weekend for some special daddy time this summer. He's very excited, and is researching places he can take them, and use his new toy. He and Austin took a ride last night, and he mounted a special camera to the RZR so he can record his adventures. He was very excited to post it on You Tube, and plans to do more. So, here they are, Jason and Austin, starring in their first You Tube video! Music provided by Uncle Chris, an original song. Enjoy!
Well what do you know?! Today is my 2 year Blogoversary!!! I wish I could claim that I totally new that, and therefore planned a fabulous post for today, but...not so much! I actually noticed it by complete accident! But hey, I noticed right? That counts for something! Now onto my original thought...
Last year I was jealous. A few of my friends had the privilege of going to a Mother's Day tea at our favorite preschool. It just so happened that I did not have a preschooler that year, and the two previous years that I did, they hadn't done a tea.
*Sniff Sniff, Sob Sob*
I know, you feel very sorry for me.
Oh and reading my dear friend Alana's blog post last year didn't help much. Thanks girl. Really. I wasn't bitter. :)
So this year I have waited with great anticipation for this event! Today was the day! At 10:45 this morning, I joined the other proud mommies of preschoolers for The Mother's Day Tea!
Sweet Annie, bless her heart, almost always closes her eyes for a picture! Which is what prompted us to take one like this...
I just adore that girl! They made us place mats and gave us handmade "baskets" filled with treats...
And they preformed a special "I Love Mother" song. Seriously, does it get any cuter?