Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Our Little Garden!

For several years Ellie has asked if we can grow some vegetables. Every year I've said "SURE HONEY!" and yet, it never quite happened. I blame it on many things, exhaustion..exhaustion...and exhaustion. Okay, so that's just one thing, but it's a Biggie! :-) Now, even though Austin is still the busiest child on earth, I seem to have a bit more energy, so this year it actually happened! We planted a garden!

We're starting with a container garden, and see how it goes. Our soil is very dense, with lots of rocks and clay, and therefore very hard for me to grow things. I don't have a very green thumb! So Sunday Jason took the girls vegetable shopping after church, and when they got home, we got to work!

What do you think? I have to say, I am pretty proud of us! And I'm very excited that (hopefully) later this summer we'll have some homegrown, organic, fresh veggies!

We planted strawberries, cucumbers, green bell peppers, basil, tomato's, peas, and sunflowers!

Our first baby strawberry! (Which is now sadly gone, thanks to Austin. I hope our plants survive him!)

And don't worry, the pots are screwed to the deck, so no one can "relocate" any of the plants! :-)


Carissa said...

very impressive!!!

Celeste said...

hahaha! Smart move screwing them down.

Josh and Lane Whitlock said...

hope i'm there for some yummy strawberries!