Sunday, December 14, 2008

What was I thinking?

Sometimes I lack good judgement. Like yesterday, for instance. When I KNEW were trying to cram too much into one day, and yet, I tried it anyway.

It was just one of THOSE days. The day when everything that CAN go wrong, did go wrong. Including...a disappointing "Breakfast with Santa", car troubles, fighting children, potty accidents, a grumpy mommy, an unexpected 2 1/2 hour wait to see Santa, and a trip to a local theme park on what I'm sure was their highest attendance day of the entire year.


The night ended with me and Jason fighting it out over "whose fault it was". Seriously.

With sleep comes perspective. I woke up, tired from the crazy of yesterday, but with a realization that some days, it just doesn't work. It doesn't necessarily mean it was someones fault. It just didn't work yesterday.

Austin woke up raring to go this morning, at his normal 7:30am time, despite his 11pm bedtime. For the sake of the girls, I snatched him out of bed before he could wake them up, and took him to Wal-Mart. He and I finished my Christmas shopping while daddy and the girls slept in.

See, I'm nice.

And then this afternoon, Jason took the girls to a movie, so Austin and I could sleep.

He's nice too.

Perspective. And a nap.

It's working today.

And I apologize to Janelle, and Michelle, for my bad attitude last night. I'm sorry I was in a bad mood, and I hope I didn't ruin your evenings. Next time we plan something like that, I'll schedule a "light" day for myself. So that I can have a good time too!


Anonymous said...

I wondered about your day...all day yesterday, but knew you were to busy for me to check in on you.

For next year, just know that the RecPLex Santa Breakfast ROCKED! Good food, good company, and great Santa. Kids all even got a gift. Like a real gift, not just a coloring book or candy cane. JP got a Knex set and AJ got a disney purse with make up. Very Cool.

Sorry it was a crazy day for ya.

Josh and Lane Whitlock said...

we ALL have our days where it just doesn't work. just know we all always love you through those days when it just isn't working!

michelle said...

I'm sorry you had such a rough day yesterday. I enjoyed the theme park and had fun with you and your kids! I'm glad you had a chance to rest and that I didn't call you this afternoon! :)

Fran said...

That was pretty wise of you to just realize it simply wasn't a good day. End of story. but, I'm sorry it stunk. But, I'm also glad you got that nap. Naps make me happy. :)

Janelle said...

Honestly, the bad mood didn't put a damper on anything for us. The great thing about you is that you keep smiling.

Fa la la la la

Alana said...

I second Janelle, you do smile through your bad moods. How do you do that? I scowl. ;-)