We had a pretty good weekend!
That sentence got an exclamation point, because around here a pretty good weekend is quite an accomplishment. :)
Saturday was an at-home day for me and the kids. It was a much needed, but slightly dreaded day. Anytime we have an entire day of
nothing scheduled, without daddy home, I'm fearful. The un-scheduledness is hard for us. Well, hard for Ellie... which makes it hard for everyone. This time though, things went pretty ok. I got some things done, kept up with the house, and even did a special activity with the kids. They fought, of course, but I think I only felt the pressure of impending insanity once. Not bad!
Our special activity was a candy making kit Annie received for her birthday. We started with making rock candy, but unfortunately half way through that process we realized the rock candy takes a total of 10 days. Um, yeah. That's not going to satisfy three young kids! So we moved on and made sour gummy candies. Who knew you could make homemade gummy candies?! They turned out pretty good actually, and satisfied my kids need to use the candy kit.
On a side note, Annie discovered she can sit in the kitchen "window" with her legs stretched out and feet flat against the other side. She fit perfectly. And she thought that was hilarious. :) And yes, that would be her brothers underwear she is wearing. Strange girl.
Also, I never knew how cluttered my kitchen counters were until I saw them in these pictures. Yikes. Moving on...
Sunday we had a family day at SDC with our sweet family of five. The kids had been asking all year when we could do the cave tour, and today was a perfect day for it. J and I hadn't been in the cave since our dating days, probably 15 years ago. Wow. It was a little more exhausting than I remembered it being. I guess that's what 15 years and 3 kids will do for you. Ha! Anyway, the kids were Awesome on the hour long tour! No tears, no screams, and no fighting! They were great spelunkers, and I think they really enjoyed the adventure. The feedback was...
Ellie: It was cool! But a little scary. My legs were shaking because I was so nervous.
Annie: I liked it!
And Austin: It was dark. I didn't like it. I liked it. Yeah. (straight answers are not his forté.)
The rest of the day we enjoyed perfect weather, no lines, running into old friends, and exploring the park. During the ride riding I realized that next year I won't be required to ride much with the kids anymore. Austin is just shy of 48" tall, the magic number to ride most things without a parent. I am looking forward to that, I like some rides, even roller-coasters, but it will be nice to skip some. This year though, I squeezed onto the elephants and the swings with Austin. I did pass on the butterfly ride since he could do that one alone. :)
How much do I love my little guy in the pink butterfly?! Sigh. Someday soon I have a feeling he won't be caught dead in a pink butterfly. But for now, he is still little at heart. Love that.
We also let the kids "mine" for gems. One of those things we always say no to, but this time said yes. :)
We made it home without any major catastrophes or fights, and tucked three tired kids in early so they'd be ready for their school week. A pretty good end to a pretty good weekend. Like I said, that's quite an accomplishment for us. And that makes me happy.